
Education in Human Values Camps in Taiwan

To bridge the gap in educational resources available to urban and rural schools in Taiwan, Sathya Sai Education in Human Values volunteer teachers in Taiwan organised two five-day morning camps for local students of the Fu-Sing Elementary School (Hsingchu County) and Chi-Shien Elementary School (I-Lan County) during the summer of 2019. 26 students and 17 students respectively participated. The camps focused on writing and hand-made picture books and the students learned how to use their 'Head, Heart & Hands' to turn their feelings into words and pictures.

The experiences were well-received by the students and administrators. One Education in Human Values teacher commented, “It’s challenging to finish making a picture book in 5 mornings. However, everyone had tried so hard to make it possible. It is therefore worthwhile not only for the students but for us too!” Subsequently, a local teacher from I-Lan County invited the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values team to visit different schools in their county over the next ten years.