'Serve The Planet' (STP) is a young adults led initiative that was launched in October 2013 as a global public outreach service initiative of the Sathya Sai International Organisation (SSIO).
The aim of STP is to organise a worldwide service project on a single day in which SSIO members, in partnership with local communities, can participate in a common service project under a singular theme. It is a beautiful tool to translate the universal message of ‘Love in Action’ into practice. The energy and impact of people all around the world engaging in service activities focused on a common theme, on the same day, will create a greater sense of global unity, harmony and love.
Since the project was launched, the themes covered have been: 'Feeding the Needy' (2013), 'Children Our Future' (2014), 'Human Values for Nation Building' (2015), 'Love for Animals' (2016) and 'Protect the Planet' (from 2017 onwards).
The theme for Serve the Planet for 2019 is ‘Protect the Planet – Time for Action’.
The main focus of STP, over the last three years, has been spreading awareness and inspiring action on the environmental issues affecting our planet today. Sathya Sai Baba, a worldwide spiritual leader, has spoken at length about the connection between God, Nature and Man and the need for us to practice Human Values and ‘Ceiling on Desires’, both to take care of our environment and for our own spiritual upliftment.