
Family Treasure

Family treasure

What are the issues that belong to your family treasure? Write down all your experiences that remind you of your family values, all that you want to be forever remembered, all that makes you refined and sophisticated, all that is the source of family wisdom and integrity, all that makes you whole and inspired, all that builds trust and firm ties among family members, all that gives you a feeling of meaning….

Family treasure can also be:

  • Something that was left behind from your ancestors;
  • Values that are particularly cherished in your family;
  • Things elders unselfishly did for their descendants;
  • Common joys;
  • Misunderstandings and quarrels that were the source of of learning and maturing;
  • Special places for family gatherings;
  • Prominent professions of some family members that brought respect for the whole family;
  • All the books that are preserved;
  • All the ideas that are cherished;
  • All the things that created beauty inside of you;
  • All that was considered important;
  • All caring attitudes toward children;
  • All forgiveness, given and received.
  • What else? Complete the list……